Source code for instaseis.source

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Source and Receiver classes of Instaseis.

    Lion Krischer (, 2020
    Martin van Driel (, 2020
    GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 [non-commercial/academic use]
import collections
import functools
import io
import numpy as np
import obspy
import obspy.core.inventory
from obspy.signal.filter import lowpass
from obspy.signal.util import next_pow_2
import os
from numpy import interp

from . import ReceiverParseError, SourceParseError
from . import rotations
from .helpers import elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude, rfftfreq


class USGSParamFileParsingException(Exception):
    Custom exception for nice and hopefully save exception passing.


def _purge_duplicates(f):
    Simple decorator removing duplicates in the returned list. Preserves the
    order and will remove duplicates occuring later in the list.

    def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
        ret_val = f(*args, **kwds)
        new_list = []
        for item in ret_val:
            if item in new_list:
        return new_list

    return wrapper

def moment2magnitude(M0):  # NOQA
    Convert seismic moment M0 to moment magnitude Mw

    :param M0: seismic moment in Nm
    :type M0: float
    :return Mw: moment magnitude
    :type Mw: float
    if M0 <= 0.0:
        return -np.inf
    return 2.0 / 3.0 * (np.log10(M0) - 9.1)

def magnitude2moment(Mw):  # NOQA
    Convert moment magnitude Mw to seismic moment M0

    :param Mw: moment magnitude
    :type Mw: float
    :return M0: seismic moment in Nm
    :type M0: float
    return 10.0 ** ((Mw / 2.0 * 3.0 + 9.1))

def fault_vectors_lmn(strike, dip, rake):
    compute vectors l, m = n x l and n describing the fault according to Udias
    Fig. 16.19

    :param strike: strike of the fault measured from North
    :type strike: float
    :param dip: dip of the fault measured from horizontal
    :type dip: float
    :param rake: rake of the fault measured from horizontal
    :type rake: float
    :return (l, m, n): vectors l, m = n x l and n
    :type (l, m, n): tuple of numpy arrays
    phi = np.deg2rad(strike)
    delta = np.deg2rad(dip)
    lambd = np.deg2rad(rake)

    l = np.empty(3)  # NOQA
    m = np.empty(3)
    n = np.empty(3)

    l[0] = np.cos(lambd) * np.cos(phi) + np.cos(delta) * np.sin(
    ) * np.sin(phi)
    l[1] = np.cos(lambd) * np.sin(phi) - np.cos(delta) * np.sin(
    ) * np.cos(phi)
    l[2] = -np.sin(delta) * np.sin(lambd)

    m[0] = -np.sin(lambd) * np.cos(phi) + np.cos(delta) * np.cos(
    ) * np.sin(phi)
    m[1] = -np.sin(lambd) * np.sin(phi) - np.cos(delta) * np.cos(
    ) * np.cos(phi)
    m[2] = -np.sin(delta) * np.cos(lambd)

    n[0] = -np.sin(delta) * np.sin(phi)
    n[1] = np.sin(delta) * np.cos(phi)
    n[2] = -np.cos(delta)

    # Udias 16.99 - 16.104 is in geographic coordinates (North, East, Down),
    # here we use geocentric, i.e. t,p,r

    transform = np.array([-1.0, 1.0, -1.0])
    l *= transform  # NOQA
    m *= transform
    n *= transform

    return l, m, n

def strike_dip_rake_from_ln(l, n):  # NOQA
    compute strike, dip and rake from the fault vectors l and n
    describing the fault according to Udias Fig. 16.19

    :return (strike, dip, rake): strike, dip and rake
    :type (strike, dip, rake): tuple of floats
    l_norm = l / (l ** 2).sum()
    n_norm = n / (n ** 2).sum()

    delta = np.arccos(n_norm[2])
    phi = np.arctan2(n_norm[0], n_norm[1])

    # needs two different formulas, beqause the first is unstable for dip = 0
    # and the second for dip = 90
    if delta > 0.1:
        lambd = np.arctan2(
            * (-l_norm[0] * np.cos(phi) + l_norm[1] * np.sin(phi)),
        lambd = np.arctan2(
            (-l_norm[0] * np.sin(phi) - l_norm[1] * np.cos(phi)),
            * (-l_norm[0] * np.cos(phi) + l_norm[1] * np.sin(phi)),

    strike = np.rad2deg(phi)
    dip = np.rad2deg(delta)
    rake = np.rad2deg(lambd)

    return strike, dip, rake

def asymmetric_cosine(trise, tfall=None, npts=10000, dt=0.1):
    Initialize a source time function with asymmetric cosine, normalized to 1

    :param trise: rise time
    :type trise: float
    :param tfall: fall time, defaults to trise
    :type trise: float, optional
    :param npts: number of samples
    :type npts: int, optional
    :param dt: sample interval
    :type dt: float, optional
    # initialize
    if not tfall:
        tfall = trise
    t = np.linspace(0, npts * dt, npts, endpoint=False)
    asc = np.zeros(npts)

    # build slices
    slrise = t <= trise
    slfall = np.logical_and(t > trise, t <= trise + tfall)

    # compute stf
    asc[slrise] = 1.0 - np.cos(np.pi * t[slrise] / trise)
    asc[slfall] = 1.0 - np.cos(np.pi * (t[slfall] - trise + tfall) / tfall)

    # normalize
    asc /= trise + tfall

    return asc

class SourceOrReceiver(object):
    def __init__(self, latitude, longitude, depth_in_m):
        self.latitude = float(latitude)
        self.longitude = float(longitude)
        self.depth_in_m = float(depth_in_m) if depth_in_m is not None else None

        if not (-90 <= self.latitude <= 90):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid latitude value. Latitude must be " "-90 <= x <= 90."

        if not (-180 <= self.longitude <= 180.0):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid longitude value. Longitude must be "
                "-180 <= x <= 180."

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if type(self) != type(other):
            return False
        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def colatitude(self):
        return 90.0 - self.latitude

    def colatitude_rad(self):
        return np.deg2rad(90.0 - self.latitude)

    def longitude_rad(self):
        return np.deg2rad(self.longitude)

    def latitude_rad(self):
        return np.deg2rad(self.latitude)

    def radius_in_m(self, planet_radius=6371e3):
        if self.depth_in_m is None:
            return planet_radius
            return planet_radius - self.depth_in_m

    def x(self, planet_radius=6371e3):
        return (
            * np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.longitude))
            * self.radius_in_m(planet_radius=planet_radius)

    def y(self, planet_radius=6371e3):
        return (
            * np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.longitude))
            * self.radius_in_m(planet_radius=planet_radius)

    def z(self, planet_radius=6371e3):
        return np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.latitude)) * self.radius_in_m(

class SourceTimeFunction(object):
    def set_sliprate(self, sliprate, dt, time_shift=None, normalize=True):
        Add a source time function (sliprate) to a initialized source object.

        :param sliprate: (normalized) sliprate
        :param dt: sampling of the sliprate
        :param normalize: if sliprate is not normalized, set this to true to
            normalize it using trapezoidal rule style integration
        self.sliprate = np.array(sliprate)
        if normalize:
            self.sliprate /= np.trapz(sliprate, dx=dt)
        self.dt = dt
        self.time_shift = time_shift

    def resample_sliprate(self, dt, nsamp):
        For convolution, the sliprate is needed at the sampling of the fields
        in the database. This function resamples the sliprate using linear

        :param dt: desired sampling
        :param nsamp: desired number of samples
        t_new = np.linspace(0, nsamp * dt, nsamp, endpoint=False)
        t_old = np.linspace(
            0, self.dt * len(self.sliprate), len(self.sliprate), endpoint=False

        self.sliprate = interp(t_new, t_old, self.sliprate)
        self.dt = dt

    def set_sliprate_dirac(self, dt, nsamp):
        :param dt: desired sampling
        :param nsamp: desired number of samples
        self.sliprate = np.zeros(nsamp)
        self.sliprate[0] = 1.0 / dt
        self.dt = dt

    def set_sliprate_lp(self, dt, nsamp, freq, corners=4, zerophase=False):
        :param dt: desired sampling
        :param nsamp: desired number of samples
        self.sliprate = np.zeros(nsamp)
        self.sliprate[0] = 1.0 / dt
        self.sliprate = lowpass(
            self.sliprate, freq, 1.0 / dt, corners, zerophase
        self.dt = dt

    def normalize_sliprate(self):
        normalize the sliprate using trapezoidal rule
        self.sliprate /= np.trapz(self.sliprate, dx=self.dt)

    def lp_sliprate(self, freq, corners=4, zerophase=False):
        self.sliprate = lowpass(
            self.sliprate, freq, 1.0 / self.dt, corners, zerophase

[docs]class Source(SourceOrReceiver, SourceTimeFunction): """ Class to handle a seismic moment tensor source including a source time function. """ def __init__( self, latitude, longitude, depth_in_m=None, m_rr=0.0, m_tt=0.0, m_pp=0.0, m_rt=0.0, m_rp=0.0, m_tp=0.0, time_shift=None, sliprate=None, dt=None, origin_time=obspy.UTCDateTime(0), ): """ :param latitude: geocentric latitude of the source in degree :param longitude: longitude of the source in degree :param depth_in_m: source depth in m :param m_rr: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_tt: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_pp: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_rt: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_rp: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param m_tp: moment tensor components in r, theta, phi in Nm :param time_shift: correction of the origin time in seconds. Useful in the context of finite source or user defined source time functions. :param sliprate: normalized source time function (sliprate) :param dt: sampling of the source time function :param origin_time: The origin time of the source. If you don't reconvolve with another source time function this time is the peak of the source time function used to generate the database. If you reconvolve with another source time function this time is the time of the first sample of the final seismogram. >>> import instaseis >>> source = instaseis.Source( ... latitude=89.91, longitude=0.0, depth_in_m=12000, ... m_rr = 4.71e+17, m_tt = 3.81e+15, m_pp =-4.74e+17, ... m_rt = 3.99e+16, m_rp =-8.05e+16, m_tp =-1.23e+17) >>> print(source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Instaseis Source: Origin Time : 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z Longitude : 0.0 deg Latitude : 89.9 deg Depth : 1.2e+01 km km Moment Magnitude : 5.73 Scalar Moment : 4.96e+17 Nm Mrr : 4.71e+17 Nm Mtt : 3.81e+15 Nm Mpp : -4.74e+17 Nm Mrt : 3.99e+16 Nm Mrp : -8.05e+16 Nm Mtp : -1.23e+17 Nm """ super(Source, self).__init__(latitude, longitude, depth_in_m) self.m_rr = m_rr self.m_tt = m_tt self.m_pp = m_pp self.m_rt = m_rt self.m_rp = m_rp self.m_tp = m_tp self.origin_time = origin_time self.time_shift = time_shift self.sliprate = np.array(sliprate) if sliprate is not None else None self.dt = dt
[docs] @staticmethod def parse(filename_or_obj): """ Attempts to parse anything to a Source object. Can currently read anything ObsPy can read, ObsPy event related objects. For anything ObsPy related, it must contain a full moment tensor, otherwise it will raise an error. Coordinates are assumed to be defined on the WGS84 ellipsoid and will be converted to geocentric coordinates. :param filename_or_obj: The object or filename to parse. The following example will read a local QuakeML file and return a :class:`~instaseis.source.Source` object. >>> import instaseis >>> source = instaseis.Source.parse(quakeml_file) >>> print(source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Instaseis Source: Origin Time : 2010-03-24T14:11:31.000000Z Longitude : 40.1 deg Latitude : 38.6 deg Depth : 4.5e+00 km km Moment Magnitude : 5.09 Scalar Moment : 5.37e+16 Nm Mrr : 5.47e+15 Nm Mtt : -4.11e+16 Nm Mpp : 3.56e+16 Nm Mrt : 2.26e+16 Nm Mrp : -2.25e+16 Nm Mtp : 1.92e+16 Nm """ # py2/py3 compatibility. try: # pragma: no cover str_types = (str, bytes, unicode) # NOQA except Exception: # pragma: no cover str_types = (str, bytes) if isinstance(filename_or_obj, str_types): # Anything ObsPy can read. try: src = obspy.read_events(filename_or_obj) except Exception: pass else: return Source.parse(src) raise SourceParseError("Could not parse the given source.") elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, obspy.Catalog): if len(filename_or_obj) == 0: raise SourceParseError("Event catalog contains zero events.") elif len(filename_or_obj) > 1: raise SourceParseError( "Event catalog contains %i events. Only one is allowed. " "Please parse seperately." % len(filename_or_obj) ) return Source.parse(filename_or_obj[0]) elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, obspy.core.event.Event): ev = filename_or_obj if not raise SourceParseError("Event must contain an origin.") if not ev.focal_mechanisms: raise SourceParseError("Event must contain a focal mechanism.") org = ev.preferred_origin() or[0] fm = ev.preferred_focal_mechanism() or ev.focal_mechanisms[0] if not fm.moment_tensor: raise SourceParseError("Event must contain a moment tensor.") t = fm.moment_tensor.tensor return Source( latitude=elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude(org.latitude), longitude=org.longitude, depth_in_m=org.depth, origin_time=org.time, m_rr=t.m_rr, m_tt=t.m_tt, m_pp=t.m_pp, m_rt=t.m_rt, m_rp=t.m_rp, m_tp=t.m_tp, ) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_strike_dip_rake( # NOQA cls, latitude, longitude, depth_in_m, strike, dip, rake, M0, time_shift=None, sliprate=None, dt=None, origin_time=obspy.UTCDateTime(0), ): """ Initialize a source object from a shear source parameterized by strike, dip and rake. :param latitude: geocentric latitude of the source in degree :param longitude: longitude of the source in degree :param depth_in_m: source depth in m :param strike: strike of the fault in degree :param dip: dip of the fault in degree :param rake: rake of the fault in degree :param M0: scalar moment :param time_shift: correction of the origin time in seconds. only useful in the context of finite sources :param sliprate: normalized source time function (sliprate) :param dt: sampling of the source time function :param origin_time: The origin time of the source. If you don't reconvolve with another source time function this time is the peak of the source time function used to generate the database. If you reconvolve with another source time function this time is the time of the first sample of the final seismogram. >>> import instaseis >>> source = instaseis.Source.from_strike_dip_rake( ... latitude=10.0, longitude=12.0, depth_in_m=1000, strike=79, ... dip=10, rake=20, M0=1E17) >>> print(source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Instaseis Source: Origin Time : 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z Longitude : 12.0 deg Latitude : 10.0 deg Depth : 1.0e+00 km km Moment Magnitude : 5.27 Scalar Moment : 1.00e+17 Nm Mrr : 1.17e+16 Nm Mtt : -1.74e+16 Nm Mpp : 5.69e+15 Nm Mrt : -4.92e+16 Nm Mrp : 8.47e+16 Nm Mtp : 1.29e+16 Nm """ assert M0 >= 0 if dt is not None: assert dt > 0 # formulas in Udias (17.24) are in geographic system North, East, # Down, which # transforms to the geocentric as: # Mtt = Mxx, Mpp = Myy, Mrr = Mzz # Mrp = -Myz, Mrt = Mxz, Mtp = -Mxy # voigt in tpr: Mtt Mpp Mrr Mrp Mrt Mtp phi = np.deg2rad(strike) delta = np.deg2rad(dip) lambd = np.deg2rad(rake) m_tt = ( -np.sin(delta) * np.cos(lambd) * np.sin(2.0 * phi) - np.sin(2.0 * delta) * np.sin(phi) ** 2.0 * np.sin(lambd) ) * M0 m_pp = ( np.sin(delta) * np.cos(lambd) * np.sin(2.0 * phi) - np.sin(2.0 * delta) * np.cos(phi) ** 2.0 * np.sin(lambd) ) * M0 m_rr = (np.sin(2.0 * delta) * np.sin(lambd)) * M0 m_rp = ( -np.cos(phi) * np.sin(lambd) * np.cos(2.0 * delta) + np.cos(delta) * np.cos(lambd) * np.sin(phi) ) * M0 m_rt = ( -np.sin(lambd) * np.sin(phi) * np.cos(2.0 * delta) - np.cos(delta) * np.cos(lambd) * np.cos(phi) ) * M0 m_tp = ( -np.sin(delta) * np.cos(lambd) * np.cos(2.0 * phi) - np.sin(2.0 * delta) * np.sin(2.0 * phi) * np.sin(lambd) / 2.0 ) * M0 source = cls( latitude, longitude, depth_in_m, m_rr, m_tt, m_pp, m_rt, m_rp, m_tp, time_shift, sliprate, dt, origin_time=origin_time, ) # storing strike, dip and rake for plotting purposes source.phi = phi = delta source.lambd = lambd return source
@property def M0(self): # NOQA """ Scalar Moment M0 in Nm """ return ( self.m_rr ** 2 + self.m_tt ** 2 + self.m_pp ** 2 + 2 * self.m_rt ** 2 + 2 * self.m_rp ** 2 + 2 * self.m_tp ** 2 ) ** 0.5 * 0.5 ** 0.5 @property def moment_magnitude(self): """ Moment magnitude M_w """ return moment2magnitude(self.M0) @property def tensor(self): """ List of moment tensor components in r, theta, phi coordinates: [m_rr, m_tt, m_pp, m_rt, m_rp, m_tp] """ return np.array( [self.m_rr, self.m_tt, self.m_pp, self.m_rt, self.m_rp, self.m_tp] ) @property def tensor_voigt(self): """ List of moment tensor components in theta, phi, r coordinates in Voigt notation: [m_tt, m_pp, m_rr, m_rp, m_rt, m_tp] """ return np.array( [self.m_tt, self.m_pp, self.m_rr, self.m_rp, self.m_rt, self.m_tp] ) def __str__(self): return_str = "Instaseis Source:\n" return_str += "\tOrigin Time : %s\n" % (self.origin_time,) return_str += "\tLongitude : %6.1f deg\n" % (self.longitude,) return_str += "\tLatitude : %6.1f deg\n" % (self.latitude,) return_str += "\tDepth : %s km\n" % ( "%6.1e km" % (self.depth_in_m / 1e3) if self.depth_in_m is not None else " not set" ) return_str += "\tMoment Magnitude : %4.2f\n" % ( self.moment_magnitude, ) return_str += "\tScalar Moment : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.M0,) return_str += "\tMrr : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.m_rr,) return_str += "\tMtt : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.m_tt,) return_str += "\tMpp : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.m_pp,) return_str += "\tMrt : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.m_rt,) return_str += "\tMrp : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.m_rp,) return_str += "\tMtp : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.m_tp,) return return_str
[docs]class ForceSource(SourceOrReceiver, SourceTimeFunction): """ Class to handle a seismic force source. :param latitude: geocentric latitude of the source in degree :param longitude: longitude of the source in degree :param depth_in_m: source depth in m :param f_r: force components in r, theta, phi in N :param f_t: force components in r, theta, phi in N :param f_p: force components in r, theta, phi in N :param origin_time: The origin time of the source. If you don't reconvolve with another source time function this time is the peak of the source time function used to generate the database. If you reconvolve with another source time function this time is the time of the first sample of the final seismogram. :param sliprate: normalized source time function (sliprate) >>> import instaseis >>> source = instaseis.ForceSource(latitude=12.34, longitude=12.34, ... f_r=1E10) >>> print(source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Instaseis Force Source: Origin Time : 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z Longitude : 12.3 deg Latitude : 12.3 deg Fr : 1.00e+10 N Ft : 0.00e+00 N Fp : 0.00e+00 N """ def __init__( self, latitude, longitude, depth_in_m=None, f_r=0.0, f_t=0.0, f_p=0.0, origin_time=obspy.UTCDateTime(0), sliprate=None, time_shift=None, dt=None, ): """ :param latitude: geocentric latitude of the source in degree :param longitude: longitude of the source in degree :param depth_in_m: source depth in m :param f_r: force components in r, theta, phi in N :param f_t: force components in r, theta, phi in N :param f_p: force components in r, theta, phi in N :param origin_time: The origin time of the source. If you don't reconvolve with another source time function this time is the peak of the source time function used to generate the database. If you reconvolve with another source time function this time is the time of the first sample of the final seismogram. :param sliprate: normalized source time function (sliprate) :param time_shift: correction of the origin time in seconds. Useful in the context of finite source or user defined source time functions. :param dt: sampling of the source time function """ super(ForceSource, self).__init__(latitude, longitude, depth_in_m) self.f_r = f_r self.f_t = f_t self.f_p = f_p self.origin_time = origin_time self.time_shift = time_shift self.sliprate = np.array(sliprate) if sliprate is not None else None self.dt = dt @property def force_tpr(self): """ List of force components in theta, phi, r coordinates: [f_t, f_p, f_r] """ return np.array([self.f_t, self.f_p, self.f_r]) @property def force_rtp(self): """ List of force components in r, theta, phi, coordinates: [f_r, f_t, f_p] """ return np.array([self.f_r, self.f_t, self.f_p]) def __str__(self): return_str = "Instaseis Force Source:\n" return_str += "\tOrigin Time : %s\n" % (self.origin_time,) return_str += "\tLongitude : %6.1f deg\n" % (self.longitude) return_str += "\tLatitude : %6.1f deg\n" % (self.latitude) return_str += "\tFr : %10.2e N\n" % (self.f_r) return_str += "\tFt : %10.2e N\n" % (self.f_t) return_str += "\tFp : %10.2e N\n" % (self.f_p) return return_str
[docs]class Receiver(SourceOrReceiver): """ Class dealing with seismic receivers. :type latitude: float :param latitude: The geocentric latitude of the receiver in degree. :type longitude: float :param longitude: The longitude of the receiver in degree. :type depth_in_m: float :param depth_in_m: The depth of the receiver in meters. Only :type network: str, optional :param network: The network id of the receiver. :type station: str, optional :param station: The station id of the receiver. :type location: str :param location: The location code of the receiver. >>> from instaseis import Receiver >>> rec = Receiver(latitude=12.34, longitude=56.78, network="AB", ... station="CDE", location="SY") >>> print(rec) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Instaseis Receiver: Longitude : 56.8 deg Latitude : 12.3 deg Network : AB Station : CDE Location : SY """ def __init__( self, latitude, longitude, network=None, station=None, location=None, depth_in_m=None, ): super(Receiver, self).__init__( latitude, longitude, depth_in_m=depth_in_m ) = network or "" = assert len( <= 2 self.station = station or "" self.station = self.station.strip() assert len(self.station) <= 5 self.location = location or "" self.location = self.location.strip() assert len(self.location) <= 2 def __str__(self): return_str = "Instaseis Receiver:\n" return_str += "\tLongitude : %6.1f deg\n" % (self.longitude) return_str += "\tLatitude : %6.1f deg\n" % (self.latitude) return_str += "\tNetwork : %s\n" % ( return_str += "\tStation : %s\n" % (self.station) return_str += "\tLocation : %s\n" % (self.location) return return_str
[docs] @staticmethod @_purge_duplicates def parse(filename_or_obj, network_code=None): """ Attempts to parse anything to a list of :class:`~instaseis.source.Receiver` objects. Always returns a list, even if it only contains a single element. It is meant as a single entry point for receiver information from any source. Supports StationXML, the custom STATIONS fileformat, SAC files, SEED files, and a number of ObsPy objects. This method can furthermore work with anything ObsPy can deal with (filename, URL, memory files, ...). Coordinates are assumed to be defined on the WGS84 ellipsoid and will be converted to geocentric coordinates. :param filename_or_obj: Filename/URL/Python object :param network_code: Network code needed to parse ObsPy station objects. Likely only needed for the recursive part of this method. :return: List of :class:`~instaseis.source.Receiver` objects. The following example parses a StationXML file to a list of :class:`~instaseis.source.Receiver` objects. >>> import instaseis >>> print(instaseis.Receiver.parse(stationxml_file)) [<instaseis.source.Receiver object at 0x...>] """ receivers = [] # STATIONS file. if isinstance(filename_or_obj, (str, bytes)) and os.path.exists( filename_or_obj ): try: return Receiver._parse_stations_file(filename_or_obj) except Exception: pass # ObsPy inventory. elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, obspy.core.inventory.Inventory): for network in filename_or_obj: receivers.extend(Receiver.parse(network)) return receivers # ObsPy network. elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, obspy.core.inventory.Network): for station in filename_or_obj: receivers.extend( Receiver.parse(station, network_code=filename_or_obj.code) ) return receivers # ObsPy station. elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, obspy.core.inventory.Station): # If there are no channels, use the station coordinates. if not filename_or_obj.channels: return [ Receiver( latitude=elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude( filename_or_obj.latitude ), longitude=filename_or_obj.longitude, network=network_code, station=filename_or_obj.code, ) ] # Otherwise use the channel information. Raise an error if the # coordinates are not identical for each channel. Only parse # latitude and longitude, as the DB currently cannot deal with # varying receiver heights. else: coords = set( (_i.latitude, _i.longitude) for _i in filename_or_obj.channels ) if len(coords) != 1: raise ReceiverParseError( "The coordinates of the channels of station '%s.%s' " "are not identical." % (network_code, filename_or_obj.code) ) coords = coords.pop() return [ Receiver( latitude=elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude(coords[0]), longitude=coords[1], network=network_code, station=filename_or_obj.code, ) ] # ObsPy Stream (SAC files contain coordinates). elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, obspy.Stream): for tr in filename_or_obj: receivers.extend(Receiver.parse(tr)) return receivers elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, obspy.Trace): if not hasattr(filename_or_obj.stats, "sac"): raise ReceiverParseError( "ObsPy Trace must have an sac " "attribute." ) if ( "stla" not in filename_or_obj.stats.sac or "stlo" not in filename_or_obj.stats.sac ): raise ReceiverParseError( "SAC file does not contain coordinates for channel '%s'" % ) coords = ( filename_or_obj.stats.sac.stla, filename_or_obj.stats.sac.stlo, ) return [ Receiver( latitude=elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude(coords[0]), longitude=coords[1],, station=filename_or_obj.stats.station, ) ] elif isinstance(filename_or_obj, inv = filename_or_obj.get_inventory() stations = collections.defaultdict(list) for chan in inv["channels"]: stat = tuple(chan["channel_id"].split(".")[:2]) stations[stat].append((chan["latitude"], chan["longitude"])) receivers = [] for key, value in stations.items(): if len(set(value)) != 1: raise ReceiverParseError( "The coordinates of the channels of station '%s.%s' " "are not identical." % key ) receivers.append( Receiver( latitude=elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude(value[0][0]), longitude=value[0][1], network=key[0], station=key[1], ) ) return receivers # Check if its anything ObsPy can read and recurse. try: return Receiver.parse(obspy.read_inventory(filename_or_obj)) except ReceiverParseError as e: raise e except Exception: pass # SAC files contain station coordinates. try: return Receiver.parse( except ReceiverParseError as e: raise e except Exception: pass # Last but not least try to parse it as a SEED file. try: return Receiver.parse( ) except ReceiverParseError as e: raise e except Exception: pass raise ValueError("%s could not be parsed." % repr(filename_or_obj))
@staticmethod def _parse_stations_file(filename): """ Parses a custom STATIONS file format to a list of Receiver objects. Coordinates are assumed to be defined on the WGS84 ellipsoid and will be converted to geocentric coordinates. :param filename: Filename :return: List of :class:`~instaseis.source.Receiver` objects. """ with open(filename, "rt") as f: receivers = [] for line in f: station, network, lat, lon, _, _ = line.split() lat = elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude(float(lat)) lon = float(lon) receivers.append(Receiver(lat, lon, network, station)) return receivers
[docs]class FiniteSource(object): """ A class to handle finite sources represented by a number of point sources. :param pointsources: The points sources making up the finite source. :type pointsources: list of :class:`~instaseis.source.Source` objects :param CMT: The centroid of the finite source. :type CMT: :class:`~instaseis.source.Source`, optional :param magnitude: The total moment magnitude of the source. :type magnitude: float, optional :param event_duration: The event duration in seconds. :type event_duration: float, optional :param hypocenter_longitude: The hypocentral longitude. :type hypocenter_longitude: float, optional :param hypocenter_latitude: The hypocentral latitude. :type hypocenter_latitude: float, optional :param hypocenter_depth_in_m: The hypocentral depth in m. :type hypocenter_depth_in_m: float, optional """ def __init__( self, pointsources=None, CMT=None, magnitude=None, # NOQA event_duration=None, hypocenter_longitude=None, hypocenter_latitude=None, hypocenter_depth_in_m=None, ): self.pointsources = pointsources self.CMT = CMT self.magnitude = magnitude self.event_duration = event_duration self.hypocenter_longitude = hypocenter_longitude self.hypocenter_latitude = hypocenter_latitude self.hypocenter_depth_in_m = hypocenter_depth_in_m self.current = 0 def __len__(self): return len(self.pointsources) def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def next(self): # pragma: no cover """ For Py2K compat. """ return self.__next__()
def __next__(self): if self.pointsources is None: raise ValueError("FiniteSource not Initialized") if self.current > len(self.pointsources) - 1: self.current = 0 raise StopIteration else: self.current += 1 return self.pointsources[self.current - 1] def __getitem__(self, index): return self.pointsources[index]
[docs] @classmethod def from_srf_file(cls, filename, normalize=False): """ Initialize a finite source object from a 'standard rupture format' (.srf) file Coordinates are assumed to be defined on the WGS84 ellipsoid and will be converted to geocentric coordinates. :param filename: path to the .srf file :type filename: str :param normalize: normalize the sliprate to 1 :type normalize: bool, optional >>> import instaseis >>> source = instaseis.FiniteSource.from_srf_file(srf_file) >>> print(source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Instaseis Finite Source: Moment Magnitude : 7.60 Scalar Moment : 3.20e+20 Nm #Point Sources : 10 Rupture Duration : 222.2 s Time Shift : 0.0 s Min Depth : 50000.0 m Max Depth : 50000.0 m Hypocenter Depth : 50000.0 m Min Latitude : 0.0 deg Max Latitude : 0.0 deg Hypocenter Latitude : 0.0 deg Min Longitude : 0.0 deg Max Longitude : 9.0 deg Hypocenter Longitude : 0.0 deg """ with open(filename, "rt") as f: # go to POINTS block line = f.readline() while "POINTS" not in line: line = f.readline() npoints = int(line.split()[1]) sources = [] for _ in np.arange(npoints): lon, lat, dep, stk, dip, area, tinit, dt = map( float, f.readline().split() ) # Convert latitude to a geocentric latitude. lat = elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude(lat) rake, slip1, nt1, slip2, nt2, slip3, nt3 = map( float, f.readline().split() ) dep *= 1e3 # km > m area *= 1e-4 # cm^2 > m^2 slip1 *= 1e-2 # cm > m slip2 *= 1e-2 # cm > m # slip3 *= 1e-2 # cm > m nt1, nt2, nt3 = map(int, (nt1, nt2, nt3)) if nt1 > 0: line = f.readline() while len(line.split()) < nt1: line = line + f.readline() stf = np.array(line.split(), dtype=float) if normalize: stf /= np.trapz(stf, dx=dt) m0 = area * DEFAULT_MU * slip1 sources.append( Source.from_strike_dip_rake( lat, lon, dep, stk, dip, rake, m0, time_shift=tinit, sliprate=stf, dt=dt, ) ) if nt2 > 0: line = f.readline() while len(line.split()) < nt2: line = line + f.readline() stf = np.array(line.split(), dtype=float) if normalize: stf /= np.trapz(stf, dx=dt) m0 = area * DEFAULT_MU * slip2 sources.append( Source.from_strike_dip_rake( lat, lon, dep, stk, dip, rake, m0, time_shift=tinit, sliprate=stf, dt=dt, ) ) if nt3 > 0: raise NotImplementedError("Slip along u3 axis") return cls(pointsources=sources)
[docs] @classmethod def from_usgs_param_file( cls, filename_or_obj, npts=10000, dt=0.1, trise_min=1.0 ): """ Initialize a finite source object from a (.param) file available from the USGS website Coordinates are assumed to be defined on the WGS84 ellipsoid and will be converted to geocentric coordinates. :param filename_or_obj: path to the .param file :type filename_or_obj: str :param npts: number of samples for the source time functions. Should be enough to accommodate long rise times plus optional filter responses. :type npts: int :param dt: sample interval for the source time functions. Needs to be small enough to sample short rise times and can then be low pass filtered and downsampled before extracting seismograms. :type dt: float :param trise_min: minimum rise time. If rise time or fall time is smaller than this value, it is replaced by the minimum value. Mostly meant to handle zero rise times in some USGS files. :type trise_min: float >>> import instaseis >>> source = instaseis.FiniteSource.from_usgs_param_file(param_file) >>> print(source) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Instaseis Finite Source: Moment Magnitude : 7.87 Scalar Moment : 8.06e+20 Nm #Point Sources : 121 Rupture Duration : 107.6 s Time Shift : 0.0 s Min Depth : 860.1 m Max Depth : 26907.3 m Hypocenter Depth : 26907.3 m Min Latitude : 26.7 deg Max Latitude : 28.7 deg Hypocenter Latitude : 27.9 deg Min Longitude : 84.1 deg Max Longitude : 86.6 deg Hypocenter Longitude : 84.8 deg """ if hasattr(filename_or_obj, "readline"): return cls._from_usgs_param_file( fh=filename_or_obj, npts=npts, dt=dt, trise_min=trise_min ) with, "rb") as fh: return cls._from_usgs_param_file( fh=fh, npts=npts, dt=dt, trise_min=trise_min )
@classmethod def _from_usgs_param_file(cls, fh, npts, dt, trise_min): """ Internal function actually reading a USGS param file from any open binary buffer. """ # number of segments line = fh.readline().decode().strip() if not line.startswith("#Total number of fault_segments"): raise USGSParamFileParsingException("Not a valid USGS param file.") nseg = int(line.split()[-1]) sources = [] # parse all segments for _ in range(nseg): # got to point source segment for line in fh: line = line.decode() if "#Lat. Lon. depth" in line: break # read all point sources until reaching next segment for line in fh: line = line.decode() if "#Fault_segment" in line: break # Lat. Lon. depth slip rake strike dip t_rup t_ris t_fal mo ( lat, lon, dep, slip, rake, stk, dip, tinit, trise, tfall, M0, ) = map(float, line.split()) # Negative rupture times are not supported with the current # logic. if tinit < 0: # pragma: no cover raise USGSParamFileParsingException( "File contains a negative rupture time " "which Instaseis cannot currently deal " "with." ) # Calculate the end time. endtime = trise + tfall if endtime > (npts - 1) * dt: raise USGSParamFileParsingException( "Rise + fall time are longer than the " "total length of calculated slip. " "Please use more samples." ) # Convert latitude to a geocentric latitude. lat = elliptic_to_geocentric_latitude(lat) dep *= 1e3 # km > m slip *= 1e-2 # cm > m M0 *= 1e-7 # dyn / cm > N * m # These checks also take care of negative times. if trise < trise_min: trise = trise_min if tfall < trise_min: tfall = trise_min stf = asymmetric_cosine(trise, tfall, npts, dt) sources.append( Source.from_strike_dip_rake( lat, lon, dep, stk, dip, rake, M0, time_shift=tinit, sliprate=stf, dt=dt, ) ) if not sources: raise USGSParamFileParsingException( "No point sources found in the file." ) return cls(pointsources=sources)
[docs] @classmethod def from_Haskell( # NOQA self, latitude, longitude, depth_in_m, strike, dip, rake, M0, fault_length, fault_width, rupture_velocity, nl=100, nw=1, trise=1.0, tfall=None, dt=0.1, planet_radius=6371e3, origin_time=obspy.UTCDateTime(0), ): """ Initialize a source object from a shear source parameterized by strike, dip and rake. :param latitude: geocentric latitude of the source centroid in degree :param longitude: longitude of the source centroid in degree :param depth_in_m: source centroid depth in m :param strike: strike of the fault in degree :param dip: dip of the fault in degree :param rake: rake of the fault in degree :param M0: scalar moment :param fault_length: fault length in m :param fault_width: fault width in m :param rupture_velocity: rupture velocity in m / s. Use negative value to propagate the rupture in negative rake direction. :param nl: number of point sources along strike direction :param nw: number of point sources perpendicular strike direction :param trise: rise time :param tfall: fall time :param dt: sampling of the source time function :param planet_radius: radius of the planet, default to Earth. :param origin_time: The origin time of the first patch breaking. """ # raise NotImplementedError sources = [] nsources = nl * nw colatitude = 90.0 - latitude longitude_rad = np.radians(longitude) # latitude_rad = np.radians(latitude) colatitude_rad = np.radians(colatitude) # centroid in global cartesian coordinates centroid_xyz = rotations.coord_transform_lat_lon_depth_to_xyz( latitude, longitude, depth_in_m, planet_radius ) # compute fault vectors and transform to global cartesian system l_src, m_src, n_src = fault_vectors_lmn(strike, dip, rake) l_xyz = rotations.rotate_vector_xyz_src_to_xyz_earth( l_src, longitude_rad, colatitude_rad ) m_xyz = rotations.rotate_vector_xyz_src_to_xyz_earth( m_src, longitude_rad, colatitude_rad ) n_xyz = rotations.rotate_vector_xyz_src_to_xyz_earth( n_src, longitude_rad, colatitude_rad ) # make a mesh centered on patch centers, xi1 and xi2 as defined by Aki # and Richards, Fig 10.2 xi1, step = np.linspace( -0.5 * fault_length, 0.5 * fault_length, nl, endpoint=False, retstep=True, ) xi1 = xi1 + step / 2.0 xi2, step = np.linspace( -0.5 * fault_width, 0.5 * fault_width, nw, endpoint=False, retstep=True, ) xi2 = xi2 + step / 2.0 xi1_mesh, xi2_mesh = np.meshgrid(xi1, xi2) xi1_mesh = xi1_mesh.flatten() xi2_mesh = xi2_mesh.flatten() # create point sources in cartesian coordinates src_xyz = ( centroid_xyz.repeat(nsources).reshape((3, nsources)) + np.outer(l_xyz, xi1_mesh) + np.outer(m_xyz, xi2_mesh) ) # transform to lat, lon, depth ( src_lat, src_lon, src_depth, ) = rotations.coord_transform_xyz_to_lat_lon_depth( src_xyz[0, :], src_xyz[1, :], src_xyz[2, :], planet_radius=planet_radius, ) src_colat = 90.0 - src_lat # make sure all points are inside the planet if np.any(src_depth < 0): raise ValueError( "At least one source point outside planet, " "maximum height in m: %f" % (-src_depth.min(),) ) # compute time shifts as distance along xi1 time_shift = xi1_mesh / rupture_velocity # time shifts should be positive time_shift -= time_shift.min() # generate source time function (same for all point sources) if tfall: npts = int((trise + tfall) / dt) + 1 else: npts = int((trise * 2) / dt) + 1 stf = asymmetric_cosine(trise, tfall, npts, dt) for i in np.arange(nsources): # compute strike dip and rake in the coordinate system of each # source point l_src = rotations.rotate_vector_xyz_earth_to_xyz_src( l_xyz, np.deg2rad(src_lon[i]), np.deg2rad(src_colat[i]) ) n_src = rotations.rotate_vector_xyz_earth_to_xyz_src( n_xyz, np.deg2rad(src_lon[i]), np.deg2rad(src_colat[i]) ) strik, dip, rake = strike_dip_rake_from_ln(l_src, n_src) # initialize point source src = Source.from_strike_dip_rake( src_lat[i], src_lon[i], src_depth[i], strike, dip, rake, M0 / nsources, time_shift=time_shift[i], origin_time=origin_time, dt=dt, sliprate=stf, ) sources.append(src) # return as FiniteSource return self(pointsources=sources)
[docs] def resample_sliprate(self, dt, nsamp): """ For convolution, the sliprate is needed at the sampling of the fields in the database. This function resamples the sliprate using linear interpolation for all pointsources in the finite source. :param dt: desired sampling :param nsamp: desired number of samples """ for ps in self.pointsources: ps.resample_sliprate(dt, nsamp)
[docs] def set_sliprate_dirac(self, dt, nsamp): """ :param dt: desired sampling :param nsamp: desired number of samples """ for ps in self.pointsources: ps.set_sliprate_dirac(dt, nsamp)
[docs] def set_sliprate_lp(self, dt, nsamp, freq, corners=4, zerophase=False): """ :param dt: desired sampling :param nsamp: desired number of samples """ for ps in self.pointsources: ps.set_sliprate_lp(dt, nsamp, freq, corners, zerophase)
[docs] def normalize_sliprate(self): """ normalize the sliprate using trapezoidal rule """ for ps in self.pointsources: ps.normalize_sliprate()
def lp_sliprate(self, freq, corners=4, zerophase=False): for ps in self.pointsources: ps.lp_sliprate(freq, corners, zerophase)
[docs] def find_hypocenter(self): """ Finds the hypo- and epicenter based on the point source that has the smallest timeshift """ ps_hypo = min(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.time_shift) self.hypocenter_longitude = ps_hypo.longitude self.hypocenter_latitude = ps_hypo.latitude self.hypocenter_depth_in_m = ps_hypo.depth_in_m
[docs] def compute_centroid(self, planet_radius=6371e3, dt=None, nsamp=None): """ computes the centroid moment tensor by summing over all pointsource weihted by their scalar moment """ x = 0.0 y = 0.0 z = 0.0 finite_m0 = self.M0 finite_mij = np.zeros(6) finite_time_shift = 0.0 # time shift is now included in the sliprate if dt is None: dt = self[0].dt # estimate the number of samples needed from the pointsource with # longest time_shift if nsamp is None: ps_ts_max = max(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.time_shift) nsamp = int(ps_ts_max.time_shift / dt + len(ps_ts_max.sliprate)) finite_sliprate = np.zeros(nsamp) nfft = next_pow_2(nsamp) * 2 self.resample_sliprate(dt, nsamp) for ps in self.pointsources: x += ps.x(planet_radius) * ps.M0 / finite_m0 y += ps.y(planet_radius) * ps.M0 / finite_m0 z += ps.z(planet_radius) * ps.M0 / finite_m0 # finite_time_shift += ps.time_shift * ps.M0 / finite_m0 mij = rotations.rotate_symm_tensor_voigt_xyz_src_to_xyz_earth( ps.tensor_voigt, np.deg2rad(ps.longitude), np.deg2rad(ps.colatitude), ) finite_mij += mij # sum sliprates with time shift applied sliprate_f = np.fft.rfft(ps.sliprate, n=nfft) sliprate_f *= np.exp( -1j * rfftfreq(nfft) * 2.0 * np.pi * ps.time_shift / dt ) finite_sliprate += ( np.fft.irfft(sliprate_f)[:nsamp] * ps.M0 / finite_m0 ) longitude = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x)) colatitude = np.rad2deg( np.arccos(z / np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2)) ) latitude = 90.0 - colatitude depth_in_m = planet_radius - (x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) ** 0.5 finite_mij = rotations.rotate_symm_tensor_voigt_xyz_earth_to_xyz_src( finite_mij, np.deg2rad(longitude), np.deg2rad(colatitude) ) self.CMT = Source( latitude, longitude, depth_in_m, m_rr=finite_mij[2], m_tt=finite_mij[0], m_pp=finite_mij[1], m_rt=finite_mij[4], m_rp=finite_mij[3], m_tp=finite_mij[5], time_shift=finite_time_shift, sliprate=finite_sliprate, dt=dt, )
@property def M0(self): # NOQA """ Scalar Moment M0 in Nm """ return sum(ps.M0 for ps in self.pointsources) @property def moment_magnitude(self): """ Moment magnitude M_w """ return moment2magnitude(self.M0) @property def min_depth_in_m(self): return min(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.depth_in_m).depth_in_m @property def max_depth_in_m(self): return max(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.depth_in_m).depth_in_m @property def min_longitude(self): return min(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.longitude).longitude @property def max_longitude(self): return max(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.longitude).longitude @property def min_latitude(self): return min(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.latitude).latitude @property def max_latitude(self): return max(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.latitude).latitude @property def rupture_duration(self): ts_min = min(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.time_shift).time_shift ts_max = max(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.time_shift).time_shift return ts_max - ts_min @property def time_shift(self): return min(self.pointsources, key=lambda x: x.time_shift).time_shift @property def epicenter_latitude(self): return self.hypocenter_latitude @property def epicenter_longitude(self): return self.hypocenter_longitude @property def npointsources(self): return len(self.pointsources) def __str__(self): if ( self.hypocenter_latitude is None and self.hypocenter_longitude ) is None: self.find_hypocenter() return_str = "Instaseis Finite Source:\n" return_str += "\tMoment Magnitude : %4.2f\n" % ( self.moment_magnitude ) return_str += "\tScalar Moment : %10.2e Nm\n" % (self.M0) return_str += "\t#Point Sources : %d\n" % (self.npointsources) return_str += "\tRupture Duration : %6.1f s\n" % ( self.rupture_duration ) return_str += "\tTime Shift : %6.1f s\n" % (self.time_shift) return_str += "\tMin Depth : %6.1f m\n" % ( self.min_depth_in_m ) return_str += "\tMax Depth : %6.1f m\n" % ( self.max_depth_in_m ) return_str += "\tHypocenter Depth : %6.1f m\n" % ( self.max_depth_in_m ) return_str += "\tMin Latitude : %6.1f deg\n" % ( self.min_latitude ) return_str += "\tMax Latitude : %6.1f deg\n" % ( self.max_latitude ) return_str += "\tHypocenter Latitude : %6.1f deg\n" % ( self.hypocenter_latitude ) return_str += "\tMin Longitude : %6.1f deg\n" % ( self.min_longitude ) return_str += "\tMax Longitude : %6.1f deg\n" % ( self.max_longitude ) return_str += "\tHypocenter Longitude : %6.1f deg\n" % ( self.hypocenter_longitude ) return return_str